The Complete Freedom of Truth

The Complete Freedom of Truth

The Complete Freedom of Truth grew from working with young people and the arts in Srebrenica, 2008.  Work that continues to this day.

A group of Bosnian young people asked to learn more about music, dance, film and performance so they could create a Children’s Music Theatre.  Their aim was to build “good people, good parents, not actors” and they believed the only way to create a better future for their damaged community was through the arts and culture.

Improvised dance on the final night of TCFT at Bournemouth University

There have now been over 1000 young people involved in this long term programme of work from 7 countries in wider Europe, including the UK.

The next major international residency is in Sarteano, Southern Tuscany from March 31 – April 13 2017.

120 young people, artists, facilitators and carers will live in and around this beautiful small town, the home of the International Quiddich Championships, a 5th century castle, a beautiful 18th century theatre Teatro degl Arrischianti and up to 50 local community organisations breathing life into this special part of the world.

This is an EU Erasmus + exchange programme, concentrating on the aims of:-

  • Access for disadvantaged
  • Creativity and Culture
  • Entrepreneurial learning
  • The young people have added to this short list their own concerns which include racism, human rights, gender, refugees and the need for real democracy. The survival of the EU is vital and one that involves the youth voice.
  • 14 days of training in music, dance, poetry, parkour, clown, theatre, film and photography.
  • International artists and participants from the UK, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Georgia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The artists and companies represented include Cirque Bijou, Alex Gichohi, award winning singer and songwriter, Robert Golden film maker and photographer, Billy Read, hip hop choreographer and dancer, The Urban Playground Team, performance parkour bringing with them the founder of this art for from Paris, Malik Diouf, “Art du Placement”
  • 6 Italian artists and an additional 30 young people from the 9 other Comuni in the region. The artists include Luca Mauceri, Elisa Bartoli and Laura Fatini with the German/Italian clowns, Schabernack.
  • The involvement of Teatro Povero di Monticchiello, Associazione Rondine Cittadella della Pace and Fondazione Cantiere Internazionale d’Arte di Montepulciano/International Festival of the Arts.
  • A 2 day youth led EU forum
  • The inclusion of as many young people with disabilities as can be managed with the limited access of a small historical Italian town.

Postato il

Marzo 11, 2018

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