Inventing SARTEANO Accessible Experience

Inventing SARTEANO Accessible Experience

“Inventing SARTEANO Accessible Experience.

Creative workshop on accessibility and accessibile tourism”

Thursday 6th April, 14.30-18.00

Sala Mostre Comunale – Sarteano

Part of the Erasmus+ project “The Complete Freedom of Truth”- Sarteano 30/3-12/4/2017, their partners and sponsors.

Organised by Associazione Culturing, ideated by Maria Rosanna Fossati and Carolin Angerbauer, special support by Anmic (Ass. Nazionale Mutilati e Invalidi Civili) – Sez. Prov.le di Siena.


12:00 opportunity to have lunch with the participants of TCFT (young artists)

14:00 Arrival of participants, briefing, introduction, presentation of the participants

14:30 Welcome greetings by the Mayor of Sarteano and Tuscany Region Dip. Tourism, Dr. Romagnoli, launching ideas for possible EU funding

14:45 brief presentation of Valdichianaliving/Montepulciano (local touristic operators)

on how to design an experiential tour package

15:00 “Designing accessible experiences. Focus on accessibility of tourism “. Presentation by Maria Rosanna Fossati (University of Florence).

Launch of the collective creative activity workshop “Inventing Sarteano accessible tourist experience”

15:30 to 16:45 exploratory walk to the centre of Sarteano, in collaboration with the participants of TCFT,  Anmic – Sec. Prov.le of Siena, to create experiential accessible routes within the historic center and historic buildings of Sarteano

17:00 to 17:30 creative design activity, outputs and reflections, possible graphic rendering, conclusions

18:00 End of the workshop

Workshop description:

The workshop is part of a larger project that aims to promote accessibility and usability of built environments, designed for accessible tourism: places, experiences, information. An accessible city is based on an organic development of these three aspects. To transform Sarteano in a welcoming city for everybody, we would like to build a system to overcome the challenges posed by physical and mental barriers/obstacles. In fact, a more accessible city is not only a concern for the disabled, it’s  about involving the whole community in the creation of new routes and connections for a new perception of public space.

During the creative workshops led by professionals together with the young participants with different abilities, migrants, international and local artists, we will discuss innovative methods of reference user analysis. During the exploratory walk participants will reflect on the history of the Sarteano area, creating an experiential path accessible to all visitors, that can represent the essence of history and the marvels of the historic center. The outputs and reflections will lead to a symbolic document that will be delivered to the public and local authorities as the beginning of a long-term planning for an accessible tourism for Sarteano and the territory of the Senese Valdichiana.

The workshop will be accompanied by audio and video recordings and the possibility of interviews for a radio broadcast in collaboration with Bournemouth University (UK).


Associazione CULTURING

fb: Culturing EU

Il progetto Europeo TCFT è ideato da Opera Circus e si svolge insieme ai 12 partner all’interno del programma Erasmus+

Più info:

L’evento di TCFT è patrocinato dal Comune di Sarteano, dall’Unione dei Comuni della della Valdichiana, dalla Regione Toscana ed è sostenuto inoltre da Aboca, Knight Frank, Tuscany Inside Out, Monteverdi, Coop Centro Italia e comitato Sarteano, Proloco.


Postato il

Marzo 23, 2017

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