
Culturing wants to “MAKE CULTURE”.

Culturing is a creative workshop for the critical thinking about emerging forms of culture in Europe. Our focus is particularly on heritage cities, both in Italy and in Europe, characterised by ongoing processes of economic, social and technological change. Aiming to help citizens to cope with such transformations, we promote public events such as debates and lectures as well as specific consulting on unconventional training, analysis of new scenarios and best practices.

We envision culture as accessible : as a tool for innovation and social inclusion that contributes to reduction of physical, cultural and socio-economic barriers.

We envision culture as participation : where heritage, no longer reduced to the trace of a glorious past, becomes a social and cultural capital turned on by the contact with the energies of the present.

We envision culture as “collective welfare” : where art and creativity do not coincide with the logic of standardised and mass production – or, worse, reserved to the few – but are put to the service of the individual citizens and their communities.

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