IT Vacancies

Are Java developers facing a steep learning curve?

Are Java developers facing a steep learning curve?

Share your thoughts with me, and visit our careers page to scroll through our open positions and find out more about our culture. Many talented, fast-learning candidates with a lot of potential are often ‘scared away’ from applying to a job by an imposing JD demanding 5+ year experience. Many of these candidates would have […]

What You Should Know to Get Your First Job as a Java Programmer DEV Community

What You Should Know to Get Your First Job as a Java Programmer DEV Community

The picture below gives an overview of the Full stack developer skills key responsibilities of a junior Java developer. So, with our experience and training of Java students for 6+ years, we know the ins and outs of the industry. As Java is an OOP language, you should understand the four OOP principles and the […]


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