The Complete Freedom of Truth – International Arts and Culture Youth Programme:
Usiamo le voci dei giovani leader coinvolti nel nostro progetto per spiegare ciò che questo
programma di lavoro a lungo termine significa per loro e per la loro capacità di ottenere di più nella vita. Ora ci sono più di 500 i giovani e partner coinvolti da 8 paesi in Europa ampliata e il Regno Unito. 7 dei nostri 13 partner sono nel Regno Unito e 4 a Dorset (Bournemouth University, Arte Development Company, città varia e Opera Circus. Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra sono desiderosi di partecipare).
“Il progetto si sviluppa tramite due settimane di workshop (laboratori multidisciplinari), che portano ad una performance comune a tutte le attività proposte, fuse in più esibizioni, dove i vari gruppi di lavoro si intersecano per creare qualcosa di poliedrico, uno spettacolo a 360 gradi, che si è sviluppato (prendendo ad esempio l’edizione inglese di quest’anno) lungo un percorso in cui lo spettatore era accompagnato dalla poesia del gruppo delle parole parlate (spoken words) e che toccava tutte le discipline affrontate (dalla musica al parkour passando per la danza, le arti figurative e il teatro), concludendosi alla Statua/Parola “Truth” (verità), parola chiave e tema dell’edizione.
Non mi sento in realtà di concludere il mio report, perché le amicizie, i legami, nati in questa esperienza resteranno, ho conosciuto persone meravigliose, con cui penso e spero di poter mantenere un rapporto bellissimo di condivisione e rispetto, che non vedo l’ora di incontrarli nuovamente, stavolta “in casa nostra” ad aprile 2017. Ovviamente, nel nome dell’arte e della verità. Nella sua completa verità.“ Francesco Pipparelli, Sarteano, BA Student, 19
Brief Video Bournemouth UK 2016:
QUANDO: Sarteano, 31 Marzo – 13 Aprile 2017
CHI: 100 persone da 8 stati membri del EU e di 13 partner:
Opera Circus Dorset, UK; The University of Bournemouth and of Arts, Dorset, UK; Urban Playground Team, Brighton, UK; Agencia with the University of Manchester-Education:IPOW, Manchester UK; Arts Development Company, Dorset, UK; Slyncs Youth Co, Doncaster, UK: Diversi Scity (UK); Teater Mimart, Belgrade, Serbia; Youth Council, Srebrenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina; VBC, Bucharest, Romania; Setubal Festival of Music, Portugal; Besso and Company, Tbilisi, Georgia; Comune di Sarteano, Italy.
CHE COSA: L’appuntamento a Sarteano prevede:
- Un programma di attività artistiche e culturali per i 100 partecipanti, giovani e artisti/esperti. Alla conclusione dei workshop realizzati in vari spazi pubblici e privati di Sarteano verrà realizzata una performance pubblica multi-artistica.
- Durante le due settimane si svolgerà in parallelo una conferenza non-convenzionale insieme a esperti della Commissione Europea, dove i giovani presentano il loro piano d’azione per il futuro dell’Europa ispirato e guidato da una nuova generazione. Si riuniranno per discutere i problemi sul futuro dell’Europa e, in particolare, sull’euroscetticismo e sull’immigrazione per lavorare per un Europea dei cittadini.
The Complete Freedom of Truth – International Arts and Culture Youth Programme:-
We use the voices of the youth leaders involved in our project to explain what this long term programme of work means to them and their ability to achieve more in life. There are now over 500 young people and partners involved from 8 countries in Wider Europe + the UK. 7 of our 13 partners are in the UK and 4 in Dorset (Bournemouth University, Arts Development Company, Diverse City and Opera Circus. Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra are keen to participate).
“The Complete Freedom of Truth (TCFT) is an international 5 year, youth led project with the ambition to develop global youth citizenship through culture and the arts. TCFT aims to use cultural and arts activities to provide skills training and cultural awareness for young people across Europe by developing their own creativity. Tolerance, inclusiveness, deeper learning and an understanding of the other is at the heart of this creative process. It seeks to foster understanding between people from different European countries, transcend language barriers and facilitate the space in which to create emancipatory change, through the use of culture and the arts.
Seeking to integrate and develop an awareness between otherwise disconnected young people across Europe, TCFT has developed a two/three-week summer programme where young people come together to discuss social and cultural issues that affect their lives. It aims to develop conversations and activism around issues of democracy and European citizenship. At the heart of TCFT is inclusion and the accessibility of the arts to people of all backgrounds, regardless of disabilities, gender, race or class. It seeks to destroy processes of ‘othering ’and works to encourage a vision of an equal, inclusive and truly democratic European society. The creative workshops and discussion groups are facilitated by both experienced practitioners and young people and the programme is youth led. 100 young people representing 8 different member states of Europe decide the nature of the discussion groups, the main issues which they wish to be represented, and the creative workshops available, ranging from parkour to poetry.
TCFT is passionate about youth agency, and wants to catalyse the growth of young people into the future cultural, arts and social change makers of Europe. Not restricted to the summer programme, longer term youth led creative projects addressing issues such as the European refugee crisis and the representation of minority LGBT groups in Bosnia and elsewhere in Europe are projects run on a voluntary basis which developed from TCFT 2015 summer programme. These projects share practical examples of ways in which to respond creatively to challenges within your own communities with other young people across Europe.
TCFT seeks to create a living and breathing connected community of young people from across Europe who are passionate about positive social change within their communities and Europe as a whole.”
Amy Wisenfeld, MA Student, 24
“Who I was before TCFT and who I am now is completely unrecognizable. It’s been such a transformative experience I have been free to realize in life what is important to myself and also how I can help others in the process of achieving their goals on an international scale. As a sufferer of depression and anxiety, being a part of this community helped me to grow strength and be happy in doing something creative with new friends. The TCFT community have helped me through a time of struggle when I lost my dad a year ago and they continue to support me in the creative work I produce and the overwhelming emotions in response to this traumatic event in my life. The project has introduced me to many people who can relate to my situation and support me in my time of grief through the arts, in a way I otherwise wouldn’t have been able to discover on my own. I am still on a journey of discovery during this project as I am learning more about myself and the current issues internationally. Speaking and listening to the various participants from different countries educates me on wider communities the way the media never could; allowing me to have educated opinions and a voice that can be heard and valued.” Zoe 16, Portland, Dorset.
There are a variety of smaller events arranged between now and our next main event which is in Sarteano, Southern Tuscany, April 2017. These will be in Dorset, London, Manchester and Blackburn. Full details available.