About us


Culturing is an association dedicated to planning and design Europe–wide cultural projects. It gathers professional cultural expertise that sees in culture a common tool for innovation, inclusion, and participation.

The collective expertise of the association covers all the major areas of artistic and cultural production. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, it intends to explore the links between culture and a series of domains, including health, shared economy, smart and sustainable tourism, civil society, and the future of education.

Culturing originated from the programming and design of the city of Siena’s bid as European Capital of Culture in 2019, an intense experience that saw the consolidation of a creative workgroup of different professions around innovative cultural projects.


In order to preserve the shared planning skills acquired during the bid’s experience, most of the members of Siena2019’s creative and operational teams have decided to join forces to found an association that will continue to promote and develop the projects and ideas about cultural innovation in which they believe. In doing that, Culturing will be able to relay on a already existent extensive network of international contacts.


Culturing was created to develop and implement innovative Europe–wide cultural projects. It acts as a mediator between artists, cultural workers, and public and private institutions, interacting with any organisation that wishes to address culture as a drive for innovation and social inclusion. It provides consulting and collaboration in various artistic fields such as theatre, dance, music, visual arts, cinema, literature, performing arts in dialogue with public architecture and the new technologies.


Culturing is based in Siena, but it works both nationally and internationally. Beyond Italy, the association is present through its members in Germany, France, Spain, Romania and Switzerland, and it has solid contacts in many other countries.


Carolin Angerbauer – President

Michele Campanini – Vice-President

Denisa Grapa – Treasurer

Christian Posani – Counselor

Marta Zura-Puntaroni – Counselor

Statute Culturing

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